we DUN go to eat in A reStauranT. just to have a SHIT
Saturday, September 13, 2008
take a bath S.M.E.L.L.Y.
Friday, September 12, 2008
then i GONgapzaihouse
.S.L.E.E.P=S.L.E.E.P. ;;;.............
Y.E.A.H. they carry me we noscrafso we usetisue
we become like N this the whole room also got cake the cake came
me peeing Ngapzai join me then help me make S.H.I.ThAir
That morning we went back 2 tsun jin cause Firwestar 1 2 eat rice .
that day we 1 2 giv boom a surprise birthday party . so we all hide inside the Green box toilet N wait 4 him N her girlfriend 2 arrive. Then he came N wa . He was surprised . then we started singing. after awhile cause he HIgH liao so he go into the TOILET 2 do the big buisness N cause the toilet door can be open with a spoon , so we open and guess wat we see . we saw Boom squoting onthe bowl N a SHIT is coming out froom his hole it was digusting but funny.
3 malu boys
THAT'S COOL Hi......IIIIiiiii dustpin up
me N ngapzaihat the couple why see handphonesee camera maaa ayo shy-shyooo
my hat's cover
At oLd tOwn
Ngapzai inuniform Kentzai N Ngapzai they fighting
help 2 dig nose help 2 dig nose we are a bulatyeah! at the beach
see the behind picture we follow it ngapzaileft firestarright they both sing